Sunday, 20 October 2013


I don't have any, but correcting this problem has highlighted some of the issues in manners

A rule for manners

1.  Don't like to stop what is pleasant, as long as it's pleasing to the participants.

2. Don't get angry about interrupting pleasantness or about how pervasive law #1 is.

3.  If it's not pleasing enough, you might be a good drug dealer if you mention how to make it better.

Lol it's all about being a good nature dealer, it's about all we can hope for biologically.  You want to keep the dose at just enough to feel alright and or even good , when it comes good you don't want to interrupt man you know what I mena?  Some people are only coming good in their head or their chest like once or twice a day  -- if you don't come good in your head like once or twice a week at least you are clinically ill......  Drugs can actually kind of help man........  Try some of the new anti-psychotics or get some - really good liquor and a few codeine might just - Well as a nationalist drug intellectual, I say you can gain a lot from taking drugs just once or twice or month, it would be better if everyone took drugs once or twice a month and sorted out their issues a little bit more, rather than a few people really hogging the drugs supply and some of them really kind of fucking up the reputation of the drugs.  

A-If you're fucking someone up with drugs, it's probably the guy who is more into world peace and mutual respect.  He's the guy we've got programmed to be a complete fuck up with our "recommended for kids" Hollywood movies.  Yea. 
B- In Seattle they tried to outlaw the use of the term citizen and instead legislate that people say resident - but only at city hall, for now. 
 [the relationship is things that are going badly][it takes a minute to figure out]
A-That's not all that's going badly man, even though I had to take a minute to figure out what you meant.  That is one of the reasons Caesar don't like us to watch to many of those poorly directed movies up here in the thinking class man.  They teach the wrong example.  Lately thinking on high is no one be a screw up at all dude.   We've got enough that we don't really need anyone to be a screw up here anymore.  In the old days there was so little you HAD to have some screw ups just so you could go to the Theatre.  A lot of people don't understand that.
B- That's really deep dude, I am glad I met you.  You seem a lot more informed than most people.
A-Yea and I pay a price for knowing things, it's stress and I need to drink sometimes just to forget.
B- It's always been like that, I guess.
A- come on man, it's not always always like that, sometimes you can be the guy who knows who has peace-  me I don't have that peace man...  whatever, my ex girlfriend wanted peace so we broke up.
B-Ha ha ha, she wasn't a dumb bitch though was she?
A- Of course not, but not even principled enough to be a devil I think.  She was like a one of those fashion girls.  
B- oh yea a fashion girl - what did she dress you up all dainty and stuff and suck your dick?
A- Ha ha ha  of course not!   Well a little bit.  
B- yea so you had it good!  Stop complaining dude other people miserable...
A- [it takes a second to reply]  that's a bit invasive dude...  I wish they would at least complain to their friend man.

Good manners.

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