Sunday, 11 September 2016
Question: How does carbon-14 dating work?

Answer: Cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere are constantly converting the isotope nitrogen-14 (N-14) into carbon-14 (C-14 or radiocarbon). Living organisms are constantly incorporating this C-14 into their bodies along with other carbon isotopes. When the organisms die, they stop incorporating new C-14, and the old C-14 starts to decay back into N-14 by emitting beta particles. The older an organism's remains are, the less beta radiation it emits because its C-14 is steadily dwindling at a predictable rate. So, if we measure the rate of beta decay in an organic sample, we can calculate how old the sample is. C-14 decays with a half-life of 5,730 years.

There are two problems I see with the answer so far, and I could find more I think. We don't know two things - we don't really know the rate of beta decay is steady, since we haven't observed it properly for a long time. We also don't really know if the half life of C-14 is always 5,730 or that time is based on current conditions. What if the expansion of the universe is recent and the rates of decay have substantially changed? It's reasonable that expansion and contraction of the universe would alter a lot of measured values for things at least possibly. There could be other things affecting rate of decay and half life that we don't understand or I don't anyway. I feel there are significant problems with our fixation with carbon dating.
I feel like moving on next to the question of how old the universe is and why people are trying to insult our intelligence by insisting they know it is 13.8 billion years old. Science reporting and instruction of young students is an insult to the intelligence.  I have to study this question carefully though, perhaps we are confused by scientists in error and transgression and teaching methods that are inneffective.  Perhaps it is the work of rich enemies or concealers.

"Perhaps sometimes the concealers have a disease in their soul, perhaps sometimes they are even ever going to hell forever. " An interpreation I made of what the Qur'an really said. It came to me in my morning meditations after prayers and my afternoon reflection. It is ordinarily translated as "The unbelievers have a disease in their heart, they are going to hell forever and ever." I just seem to recall that it was not in the normal present tense but something like the subjunctive, and that there were additional words the Arab translators left out. I think those Arab translators might be suffering from a disease in their soul. The soul is a living organizism that leaves your body when you die that exists in your mind, heart, liver, and some other tissues. Part of it is moleculor and part of it is nanoscopic I believe or suspect. I believe the aliens benefactors remove this from your when you die and bring your life (because the soul contains your life) to their King of Kings, who does with you as he desires. It is said you are brought to another universe, or dimension of the universe, where you can be subjected to far reaching fates ranging from eternal paradise and the personal companionship with the Lord, Angels and Prophets, as a Friend of God and Ally of God and even yes, a Son of God (though the Muslim to compete with the Christians were instructed something like "say God has not taken a son" oy I seek refuge with God from the enemy, the insane and the retarded angry people!")... I think people are very unwise to defy the Alien's King of Kings. It is said that be asking God about Jesus, we can come to know about reality. I have found this path has led me to much knowledge and experience that is fascinating, making me a better person, more courageous, and even bestowing on me special powers at times.
God's gifts are generous, and he grants the wishes we desire when we are righteous and clean, or if you would like to use similar words, goodly and holy.
I don't know whether the Qur'an is from God, or really do I know the answer or not, I know what I learned, is that knowledge proceeded from the Qur'an but more knowledge came in asking God for Jesus's help. I think you have to be righteous - as good as you can manage or can be, and maybe stretch it a little so that you might face persecution, it's up to you how much you want to get payed for being good in the face of evil and suffering, but I believe they pay you for it in the end and sometimes during your life.

The aliens will suck your soul out of your body when you die and their God King will judge you. I really believe it. If the universe is really way older, then it's for sure. Maybe the Bible meant 6 billion years and not 6 days.   I'm pretty sure it's technologically possible for the people whose Government created this dimension of the universe. I've asked God about things, and seen things, including UFOs doing human impossible maneuvers. The enemies may never be forgiven, the concealers may suffer even hell forever. Be neither an enemy nor a concealer. The concealers try to hide God and hide God from the world, they deny and work crime sometimes to make this so, the enemies are enemies of God who are basically like terrorists, it is said that God will destroy the world because of the enemy's actions. Beware, don't be a fool, ask people about what they've seen. Believe in credible reports of miracles - put faith and them and seek. Your reward could be great, your punishment could leave you damned forever. Amen. They will never let us develop the soul sucking technology while the concealers, criminals and enemies run free, forget it. Abandon all acts of evil, cause harm only to those who harm themselves and others, help one another, save the world. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, be blessed for your righteousness, blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness's sake, theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Enter by the narrow gate, take a stand against evil, increase your faith and gain knowledge and wisdom from God, ask and you shall receive, but unto whom much is given much is asked. I seek refuge from the enemy with God the King of the Worlds. Blessed be his name, and kept holy (clean). Clean your soul with acts of righteousness, see that your body and mind are strengthened by it. Turn away from sin and repent, that your sin might be destroyed and you could earn the reward of eternal paradise, that you could escape from second death and damnation eternal. Don't be a fool, ask God and seek him humbly and with steadfastness, find steadfast men to cling to and help each other, you can be weak, you need the strength of God to defeat the enemy perhaps, you will be comforted for your righteounness and faith. May God help you.

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